A Series

  • Giao hàng MIỄN PHÍ trên toàn quốc (Kiểm tra hàng trước khi thanh toán).
  • Giao hàng tiêu chuẩn dự kiến: 2-3 ngày
  • Bảo hành sản phẩm 12 tháng
  • Giá chưa bao gồm VAT ( 10% )


  • High efficiency, With a COP value up to 5.0 our heat pumps are very efficient when transferring heat from the air to the swimming pool water. You can save as much as 80% of cost compared to an electrical heater. Long life-span.
  • The heat exchanger is made of PVC & Titanium tube, which can withstand and prolong exposure to swimming pool water.
  • Easy control and operation. Simply switch it on and set the desired pool water temperature.
  • The system includes a micro-computer controller, allowing all operation parameters to be set. Operation status can be displayed on the controller with LCD display
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